
South Dakota and Wyoming family photography

Spearfish Canyon, SD

I am so excited to share this “Artist’s Date” up Spearfish Canyon, SD with you today! When finding self-building books this past year I came across “The Artist Way” by Julia Cameron. She talks about feeding the artist in us. I couldn’t wait to hike the waterfalls this season as one of my Artist’s Dates.

Spearfish Canyon Lodge, SD

I am so excited to share this “Artist’s Date” up Spearfish Canyon, SD with you today! When finding self-building books this past year I came across “The Artist Way” by Julia Cameron. She talks about feeding the artist in us. I couldn’t wait to hike the waterfalls this season as one of my Artist’s Dates.

I planned to head up to Spearfish Canyon Lodge and take a few photos then head home. Well, plans changed and I had a great day that I got to capture through my lens.

I did end up there and took some great shots of the lodge, but I got stuck down lower taking photos of the mountain goat family.

Spearfish Canyon, SD Wildlife Photography

Taking myself out on an “Artist Date” was something I read about earlier this year and I think all photographers should do it. Feed my passion beyond the photo sessions. Today was a spare-of-the-moment date. I had dropped my young one off at school and didn’t feel like going home to the empty house. So, I stopped for a seasonal “Pumpkin Spice” coffee and headed up the mountain.

Along Spearfish Canyon on Route 14A

Driving up Spearfish Canyon this time of year is such a relaxing drive. The leaves are just about to turn and the whole mountain has a bright yellow tone. It seems to be calling Autumn out of the dark, pulling it towards the light for the world to see.

Just around the bend of Bridal Viel Falls, windows rolled down so I could hear the river and wind blowing through the trees, I heard it. The tall-tell sound of rocks tumbling down off the mountain top. Glancing up I saw a family of three jumping off the mountain rim.

The Mountain Goats stopped now and then on small rims to enjoy the grass that was growing in the rock cracks. I was able to capture them jumping down from rock to rock down the steep mountainside. It was truly an amazing experience. Above you see two small mountain goats heading off the mountain to catch up to their mates. The nimble feet jumping from rock to rock are amazing to watch.

The thick, long, shaggy winter coats are growing in, preparing them for the winter ahead. I saw a few arching their backs going after each other, showing their stuff. I will admit I used my car as a shield between us as it is rutting season, and they are particularly aggressive as they compete for mating rights.

When I got home I sat down to research and find the story of the matriarch Nanny Granny who brought the Mountain Goats here to Spearfish Canyon and have posted that story here.

We are now opening our Fall Mini Sessions for the season. This year’s Fall Mini Season will be held in Sundance, Wyoming. Click Here when you are ready to book.

Mountain Goat

September 13, 2024

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