
South Dakota and Wyoming family photography

A Few Reasons Why Maternity Photos Matter

Our Maternity Photos mean more after than while we are getting them. Don’t let the fact that you don’t feel lovely hold you back from spending the money on maternity photos.

A maternity photo session is for you. It is so that no matter how hard your day has been you can look back and remember what it felt like when your little one or little ones turned those butterfly feelings into little kicks of joy. Photos can bring back the joy that sometimes we forget.

Some people choose to opt out of a maternity photo session because they didn’t do one with their first baby. Mamma that is when you incorporate that little one into this maternity photo session. There are so many photo ops with a big brother or sister to let these moments slip away. It will also give your toddler or older child something to look back on and be proud of when they start to feel overwhelmed with the change in the family dynamics. Hang the art piece on the wall for them to see.

Lastly, Mamma, you are going to miss this. You’re going to miss this connection that only you and your baby shared. At times you will feel like something is missing and you’ll find your hand rubbing lovingly over your now-empty belly.

Mamma these maternity photos are for you to enjoy. These photos are there so you can pull them out when your need to remember back when. On days when you need to look back on these times, you can pull out your baby’s photos or photo albums. Photos become art pieces to hang on your wall, or for you to have in your happy place. Mamma, this was something incredible!

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Palms 139:13

Royal Diamond Photography

November 20, 2022

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